Welcome to JoeOutboard.com
As I've been saying for a while... I've finally come to the realization that there's little chance I'll be able to get around to restoring all the motors in my collection, and that these gems deserve a better home than I can provide long term - so I'm selling off the majority of my collection!
Check out the FOR SALE PAGE with details of all motors for sale and suggested starting prices - everything is negotiable!
If you have more question or want photos of any specific motor that's doesn't have it's own page on this site, you can get a hold of me using information on the Contact Page.
The mix ratio calculator is STILL the number 1 page on the site by far - good to know I'm not the only one that can't remember common ratio numbers...
Browse the site, have some fun, and keep your prop wet (unless your motor is a rare collectible, then by all means keep it dry!).
Who am I and why am I here?
I'm Joe. I live in a suburb of Minneapolis MN, and I'm crazy about Antique Outboard engines! I have a small collection of outboards (around 60 - but dwindling fast!) that I occasionally get around to working on.
I revel as much in the time spent 'tinkering' in the garage as I do listening to a newly restored motor start up for the first time in years!
This site is intended for non-serious purposes, such as a way for me to show off my motors without having to bore people with my rambling tales of acquisition, and how it may or may not run...
Hopefully, you'll simply enjoy the content and take it for what it's worth.
Thanks for visiting my site!